Tuesday 18 October 2011

'1990's Youth and Culture Museum Exhibit' - Book Now 2 PM June 15th 2031!


I'd like to welcome you to the first exibit entitled '1990's youth'. This period was a dark and ignorant age. Children who lived during this time experienced many hardships compared to the modern era.

Our displays include artifacts and recreations of society at that time including...

Child leaving house saying goodbye to family - A family was the term referring to a mom, dad, and any children they had. People of this time were narrow minded and couldnt imagine that families could also be fast food franchises, gay couples, corporate orphanage facilities.
Children using a home phone (This required the user to stay in one place and use the spoken voice)
A letter to a pen pal (Required the antiquidated form of communication - handwriting)
Nintendo console - (2D graphics amazed the simple creatures - but parents limited use for fear of kids living out the games in real life. I mean Rofl!)
Pre teen girls covering their bodies - The rights of the pre teen to express their consumer preferences didn't exist
Hand me downs - Last reported sighting of someone in such clothing since June 18 1999. We cant imagine how frugal they were. They also had no sense of shame it seems.
Smokers in public areas - Hard to imagine I know. No on the spot fines for smokers back then! Nor crime by association for anyone who talks to a smoker without reporting them.
Cultural contact - Display shows an 'aussie' school kid (Back then most were 'Anglo Saxon') telling an 'Asian' student to go back to his own country. He would have been reprimanded yes, but not reported to the Department of Multiculture for re-education as this department sadly didnt exist until 2020.
A kid climbing 'Ayers rock' - This was the racist term referring to the rock which at that time could be climbed to the horror of the indigenous living nearby.
A doll bludger - A person 'living it up' or rorting the system of government payouts. The term has vaded from use since the Liberal government of Cori Bernardi (2020-2023) replaced the 'financial disincentives' of social welfare with 'electronically redeemable food products' or ERPs in layman terms.

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